Houseplants can do a lot to brighten spirits during the long winter months, especially in regions that tend toward cold, snowy weather. But keeping greenery in your home can be tricky. Relatively few daylight hours, fluctuating temperatures, and dry air can create a challenging growing environment. Still, we do love our houseplants, so we went in search of varieties best suited to the season. We reached out to several plant pros for their top picks of durable houseplants voted most likely to survive all year long.
Chinese Evergreen
Don’t be fooled by the beauty of the Chinese evergreen; beyond its handsome exterior is one tough plant. Justin Hancock, a horticulturist at Costa Farms in Miami, explains that this forgiving houseplant does well during the winter because it “doesn’t mind low light or inconsistent watering, as long as it doesn’t stay wet for extended periods.” Its broad, decorative leaves are woven with gorgeous patterns in colors that come in an array of glossy greens, silvers, grays, and cream. Even the least experienced gardener can successfully grow a Chinese evergreen, thanks to its hardiness. Hancock promises this plant “will power through the winter season and look fresh and green all year.”
ZZ Plant
This gem of a plant will still look green and healthy, even after months of neglect. In fact, the zz plant will often do better the more you leave it alone. “It stands up well to dry winter air, and the edges of its thick, rubbery leaves won’t turn brown and crispy like those of less-sturdy houseplants,” he says. Since it can thrive in low-light conditions, the zz plant looks good even during winter’s shortest days. “It’s virtually indestructible,” says Hancock.
Moth Orchid
“Orchids don’t have a reputation for being easy to grow,” notes Hancock, “but surprisingly, cultivating a moth orchid can be a breeze.” This low-maintenance plant features bright green stems topped by elegant, long-lasting blooms. And while the moth orchid is happiest in medium- to full sun, it tolerates low light very well. And it doesn’t mind if you forget a watering or two. Thanks to the moth orchid’s preference for a drier climate, you can enjoy its blooms without having to shower it with attention. “Best of all,” adds Hancock, “it usually re-blooms once nighttime temperatures begin to drop.”
Snake Plant
Adding architectural interest to any room, the snake plant is one of the most accommodating houseplants you can grow, says Hancock. “It’s tried-and-true, and it holds up well in conditions that can make winter a challenge for any plant, he says. “You practically have to kill it on purpose.” Low light, drought, and insects are no match for this hardy houseplant. Its blade-like leaves come in an array of colors and patterns, and provide air-purifying benefits as well as beauty.
Rubber Plant
There’s a reason rubber plants often rank among the most popular houseplants. They so just fine in low light, so they’ll thrive in spots where other plants won’t. They’re also tolerant of less frequent watering and drier conditions, so they’re perfect for beginning plant parents.
Ponytail Palm
If you’re in search of a plant to add flair to your home (while handling the heat cranked up high), look no further. The ponytail palm is resilient, says Hancock. It’s drought-tolerant, slow-growing, and requires very little care. The festive-looking plant has long, narrow, dark-green leaves that form a fountain-like cascade down to its base. It stores a generous amount of water in its thick, textured trunk, and makes use of its reserves during periods of drought.
Maidenhair Fern
While most ferns can tolerate low levels of light, they demand high humidity and like to be watered and misted frequently. They’re used to growing on forest floors, completely shaded by a canopy of trees, says de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez, a floral designer for GRDN, a gardening supply shop in Brooklyn. The maidenhair fern is a nice over-winter option because while it does prefer soil that’s always damp, the delicate, lacy plant is happy in a spot offering indirect light for at least part of the day.
If you have a room that’s chilly and doesn’t get a lot of sunlight, the clivia may be its ideal match. “These durable plants actually prefer a period of cooler weather which allows their fantastic blooms—typically orange or sometimes golden yellow—to emerge,” according to Stephen Hill, the creative director at Sprout Home, a garden design center with locations in Chicago and Brooklyn. Not only will this beautiful plant bloom even in a drafty home, but its vibrant colors will brighten up a chilly space. Another bonus: clivia like to be kept on the dry side, so you won’t need to water them every day.
Moss Terrarium
If your home tends toward chilly in winter, consider a miniature version of a greenhouse: the glass terrarium. “It will retain humidity within the glass as well as protect the plants from both hot and cold drafts,” says Hill. The best plant choices for covered terrariums are mosses, ferns, and fern allies, he says. A terrarium also adds a stylish conversation piece to your home. Try it yourself: Sprout Home offers terrarium-building classes in Chicago and New York City.
Jade Plant
The jade plant is a survivor, and a beautiful one at that. “A lot of plants don’t really like the combination of cold air with hot radiator air in the winter months,” according to de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. “However, some plants can tolerate temperature variations—and the jade plant is one of them.” A type of succulent, it doesn’t require much water; it can thrive with a watering once every three weeks. And it does just fine near an open window in the winter. This plant looks like a miniature tree, so it brings a refreshing burst of greenery into your home, even when the trees outside are leafless.
Spider Plant
Lynne Brotchie/Getty Images
Another hearty, easy-care plant, spider plants can thrive in typical winter home conditions. They do just fine in dry conditions, and just need a bit of indirect sunlight to thrive.
Christmas Cactus
If you’re looking for a durable plant that will also bring a pop of color to your space, turn to the festive Christmas cactus. This plant is typically propagated for sale before Thanksgiving, but its pretty red and pink blooms hint at spring. Plus, it’s undeniably low-maintenance. “They range in color, thrive on neglect, and can be kept indoors year-round or moved outside for the summer in full shade,” says Barbara Pierson, nursery manager at White Flower Farm.
The philodendron is a favorite among drought-tolerant houseplants, says de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. (Both the split-leaf and monstera varieties are on-trend.) These plants need watering only once every two weeks or so, but remember that sometimes water evaporates faster or slower depending on room temperature. So how do you know if your monstera plant is thirsty? “Get familiar with its typical weight. If your plant feels heavy but hasn’t been watered in two weeks, the soil is probably still very wet and watering it again will only cause it harm,” she explains.
Lucky Bamboo
Carol Yepes/Getty Images
You don’t even need soil to help this succulent thrive. It does well in low light, and just needs a regular top-off of water to keep it growing.
Sprout Home
Succulents come in a wide array of colors and styles, so you can mix and match them to create unique arrangements. Their happy place is on a windowsill in a dry room. “One thing to keep in mind is that temperatures tend to be cooler near windows in northern climates, especially in older buildings,” says Hill. He advises you to water them sparingly throughout the winter months. “While some succulents may continue to grow during this time, others will wait at a standstill until spring. When warmer weather hits, you can resume regular (yet still infrequent) watering,” he says.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
One thing to remember is that many houseplants—including the popular fiddle leaf fig—experience natural growing seasons and periods of dormancy. So, while it should be watered once every two weeks during the growing season, the fiddle leaf fig needs watering only once a month or so in winter, says de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. Also keep in mind that water evaporates more slowly in a chilly room than in a hot one, so do pay attention to the temperature and water accordingly.
If your house is dry in the winter, but you’re too busy to water your plants regularly (let alone turn on a humidifier for them), then aloe is a great choice. This hardy succulent stores water in its sculptural leaves, allowing it to go long stretches between watering. The only downside is that this plant won’t give you any visual clues if it’s parched. “You have to check the soil to see that it needs water because it won’t wilt,” says Pierson. While this desert plant can handle a dry environment, it also loves to sunbathe, so set it near a window that gets plenty of light.
Cacti and Desert Plants
If you keep your house hot and dry in winter, cacti and desert plants will love you for it. “They’re native to hot environments so they thrive in them,” explains de Los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez. “The perfect place to set up a small ‘cacti desert’ is on a piece of wood, which is a poor conductor of heat, over a radiator. It’s also super cute.” Because many deserts get chilly at night, some varieties of desert plants can tolerate the cold; they may drop their leaves and go into winter dormancy.
Brendan Maher / Getty Images
Pothos plants are adaptable to a wide variety of conditions. They do best in indirect light, but can also do well in low light conditions (perfect for that dark corner that doesn’t get a lot of sunlight—especially in winter). They’re also super easy to propagate, so you can always grow new ones to add a little extra green in the winter.
Wax Plant
If you keep your thermostat turned all the way up in winter, and also tend to be an inconsistent plant waterer, the wax plant (aka hoya) is for you. “Hoya have thick, waxy leaves and rope-like stems that hold water and allow them to tolerate hot temperatures,” says Pierson. By reserving water in this way, the wax plant is always prepared for an unexpected drought. If you forget to water it for a few weeks, this forgiving plant will bounce back quickly without turning brown. And its cascading leaves look stunning when suspended in a hanging woven basket.
Svetlana Sarapultseva / Getty Images
Also known as the dragon plant, this hard-to-kill plant is drought tolerant—so it won’t mind the temperature fluctuations and dry air most homes experience in the winter. (Plus, its spiky, red-edged leaves add a pop of color to brighten your winter.)
Cast-Iron Plant
skymoon13 / Getty Images
This aptly named plant is one even black thumbs can get to thrive, thanks to its tolerance for a lot of different light, soil, and water conditions. It loves low light conditions, and needs slightly moist soil to thrive.
African Violets
Getty Images/adisa
If you’re looking to add a little color to your home, these charming, classic houseplants may just do the trick. You’ll need to keep them in indirect light, and offer plenty of humidity. (You can put them on a tray with gravel and water to help them get the moisture they need.)
While some herbs can be harder to grow (even on a cozy kitchen windowsill) in the winter, rosemary does just fine if it’s potted and placed in a sunny spot. Bonus: You’ll have plenty of fresh rosemary to enhance your winter cooking and baking.
African Spear Plant
Helin Loik-Tomson/Getty Images
This succulent plant (also known as the cylindrical snake plant) thrives on neglect, requiring very little care. They can handle a wide range of lighting and soil conditions, rarely fall victim to diseases or pests, and prefer drier conditions—making them an ideal houseplant that can thrive all year long. (Bonus; They sometimes bloom with white flowers, too!)
Air Plants
syan/Getty Images
Air plants (AKA tillandsia) don’t need soil, and can generally be displayed in terrariums, attached to a piece of driftwood, or glass containers. Depending on the type, it either needs a quick 15 minute soak or a few dunks in water each week in order to thrive.
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Peperomia plants can do well in both bright, indirect light and low light conditions, so they’ll thrive even when the days get shorter. They can also handle longer periods between waterings, especially during the colder months.
Haworthia (Zebra plant)
CoinUp/Getty Images
This small, striking little succulent thrives in low light and low moisture situations. (Think watering once every few weeks!) It’s the perfect plant to thrive anywhere in your home, all year long.
String of Pearls
Getty Images
Named for its long vines with round pearl-shaped leaves, the string of pearls plant is an easy-to-care-for succulent. The plant can survive in a range of light conditions and only needs watered about once a week—and less in the wintertime.